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Full Super Moon Today!

By August 19, 2024August 20th, 2024Manifestation, Plant Medicine Ceremony

It’s a full supermoon today!

According to the astrologists, it’s a biggie, in the sense, that the energies are asking, or more like, demanding us to look at our shadow, love what is unloveable, and do the inner work.

If not, the universe will bring some not-so-pleasant life lessons into our world so that we look into those dark areas of ourselves.

Because of this potent full moon and what it’s asking of us, I decided to do my own plant medicine ceremony.

Oh my, the first three hours were very intense and uncomfortable! I released layers and layers of emotional entanglement and stuck energies that were clogging up my system.

How did I know that? The divine plant medicine teachers are so astonishing in how they deliver their teachings.

It was all about the fire, my inner fire.

There had been a deluge two days before so the firewood was still a bit damp. I got the fire going but it was so smokey and barely had a flame.

I had to poke and prod it and add a little bit of kindling every 5 minutes. to keep the tiny flame going.

I was called to make offerings of a chewy candy that, because the fire wasn’t big or hot, took HOURS to melt and fully burn up. I could only put a few in a time otherwise they’d smother the fire with their melting stickiness and put it out.

This was the metaphor for the ‘sticky’ energies in my being that were being released and transformed so that my inner fire could be truly alive and vibrant.

Finally, after three hours of painstakingly offering the candies, having them completely consumed by the fire, of me not feeling good to….all of a sudden the energy shifted!

The fire burst into flames and the 2nd half of ceremony was a delight, filling me up with new energy after all the entanglement had been released.

I’ve been feeling so much lighter and happier since then.

These divine teachers never cease to amaze me. They can help take us into the shadows, do the inner work, and come out the other side, feeling so much lighter and brighter.

It can feel like you can move mountains in a six-hour ceremony. I’ve had clients say, ‘That was a year’s worth of therapy in one day.’ Yes indeed!

So if you are feeling the call or know that it’s time to dive deep into the shadow, this full moon, the plant medicines and I  are holding out our hands and hearts for you to be fully supported and to feel safe as you do this deeply transformative work.

August 24 is the last plant medicine ceremony up in Boulder for the season. For more info, you can click here .

Look forward to being in ceremony with some of you on Saturday!