Love of Chocolate,
Bring on the Ceremonial Cacao!
sipping a cup of hot, creamy ceremonial cacao (aka chocolate), surrounded by a supportive, compassionate, kind, cacao pride of people.

What is a Cacao Ceremony?
Love • Healing • Inspiration & Creativity • Connection • Inner knowingness • Magic & Miracles • Optimism • Bliss

We come together in ceremony to heal, gain clarity, make new friends, feel supported in community, be nurtured, feel the bliss and co-create with Spirit for the fulfillment of our intentions.
Ceremonial cacao is potent, heart medicine that helps you expand self-love and bond with others in a more loving way.
Do you want to strengthen your connection to your Higher-Self, Source, Spirit, Divinity, Goddess/God? Let the ceremonial cacao do its magic, amping up this connection as well as expanding gratitude, mindfulness, and passion.
With ceremonial cacao streaming through your body, your Creativity and Inspiration are on natural steroids!
Ceremonial cacao unlocks your 3rd eye to access your inner knowingness, wisdom and mental clarity. Get your journal ready to jot down all the amazing guidance you receive.
Stresses and worries go by the wayside as the ceremonial cacao encourages you to get more in tune with your positive, optimistic side, especially if you are going through challenges.
Cacao is a feminine power that helps you feel joy again. Life is meant to be full of zeal!
Cacao Ceremonies Meet You
Amplify everyone’s capacity to fully Receive the Infinite abundance of the universe.

Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Shamanic Journey
We come together in ceremony to heal, gain clarity, make new friends, feel supported in community, be nurtured, feel the bliss and co-create with Spirit for the fulfillment of our intentions.

Private Ceremonies
Just for you and your guests. Celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding or anniversary or support another’s healing process.

Plant Medicine Retreats
As people all over the world begin or continue to awaken, plant medicines are a perfect tool in assisting in this process. The New Earth is in the process of being birthed, with humanity evolving to much greater levels of consciousness. What better way to be supported and nourished than through plant medicines!

Chocolate is the Food of the Goddesses and Gods
The Mayans held an annual festival to honor the cacao god Ek Chuah. The cacao tree was one of the ancient Maya and Aztec’s most prized. Cacao was the drink of choice, enjoyed by those who were specially chosen to enjoy its benefits.
Ceremonial cacao was used avidly for medicinal, healing and preventative reasons too.
About Our Ceremonial Cacao of Choice: MAYANA
MAYANA is a proud ambassador of fair trade farmers in Soconusco, Mexico. Cacao originated in this region with rich biodiversity, where wild cacao trees have been cultivated for millennia by the Maya.
MAYANA offers Origin Cacao, a native variety that produces “fine and flavor” beans -the highest grade beans- which are the scarcest and most highly regarded for their complex flavor and aroma. Our offering includes Origin Cacao Beans Whole, Origin Cacao Nibs, Origin Cacao Liquor (Paste), and snack-sized Raw Cacao Beans.

Order your cacao and get 5% discount when you use the code cacaodreamtime:
Order now!Order now!Cacao Ceremony Flow
Intention Setting
Get clear on what you’d like the cacao medicine and the ceremonial, magical energy to help you with.
Examples of Intentions
What others think of me is none of my business.
I embrace self-compassion and self-love.
Adios to perfectionism. I embrace the perfection in the imperfection.
I meet my fabulous, new, romantic partner.
I honor my highly sensitive self.
I stop people pleasing and have full permission to please myself.
I totally forgive my friend who betrayed me.
I have clarity on my life purpose.
I stop being a doormat and take care of myself.
I manifest an amazing, new job that fulfills me on all levels.
I am crystal clear on my next step.
I am oozing with creativity and feel so inspired about my project.
I feel my bliss.
Group Intention
Helen also sets a group intention to be supported by the magical energy, benefiting everyone.
Guided Meditation
Off we go into a guided meditation to get grounded and centered. Ceremonial songs, drumming, toning (vibrational, sound healing) and deep trance follows suit.
Shamanic Journey – Where the Magic Happens
The ceremonial cacao goes with you, heart-to-heart, hand-in-hand, on your shamanic journey. It is like an interactive dream, where all your senses are in play. You’ll learn unexpected things, experience spiritual growth, receive guidance and healing for the fulfillment of your intention.
Beauty of Ceremony
There is a huge PLUS in coming together as a group, in community, as friends, in sacred ceremony. A powerful, magical, vortex is created by our energies that coalesce. Through Helen’s spirit guides, angels, and power animals, a powerful frequency comes through for your healing and our healing as a collective. Spirit channels through, exponentially amplifying the healing and manifesting energies for everyone.
Welcome to All Spiritual Levels
Beginners to advanced all benefit. Doing a cacao ceremony with a friend and/or partner is lots of fun. Bring them along!

”I just want to express my gratitude for yesterday’s beautiful ceremony….
Light and love, AnnaJune 2023
It had such an amazing impact on me...Your gift was just exactly what I needed.
”Such a beautiful day! I was surprised a zoom version would be as potent as in person but I guess that's how energy works!
Ani Okun
”I absolutely loved the ceremony! I love the cacao drink too it tastes so good with a bit of honey- it feels like you’re drinking something magical. Feeling calm, relaxed, and confident right now!
Laura Marticorena, 17 years old
”I just wanted to say thank you very much for a wonderful session on Sunday. I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it, and am looking forward to the next one. It helped me a lot. I've processed a lot since our cacao ceremony. I'm going to start moving forward with my projects. I feel ready now. Thank you again!
Mari-Vic from England
”We both really enjoyed the cacao ceremony. We have been aware of integration. We had already decided no alcohol Sunday to Friday so we haven’t had a drop since. I particularly love chakra clearing guided meditation and the shamanic journey. It is just nice to lie down and relax for any length of time! You are obviously very comfortable and competent as a Guide and great at it. I am benefitting from self-care and time to relax deeply.
Jacob and Amelia from England
”I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful gift & sharing it with me (& the entire group) at the Cacao ceremony. It was very intense in a peaceful way - I went to bed at 7pm & slept sound all night. This poem from Anne Lamott came to me: “ I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us." I’ve been touched by the mystery of Grace & You......
Annette Carter
”I regularly attend Helen's cacao ceremonies. She creates and holds such a beautiful, safe space that I am able to easily journey and connect with the loving, compassionate Helpers in the invisible realms that are supporting my intentions for healing, alignment, growth, etc. When she announced that she also offers Spirit Reiki training, I immediately knew I wanted to participate and add this modality to my practice. After completing a supportive, fun and highly interactive Spirit Reiki I & II, I feel I can more fully bring my gifts to light with clients and those around me. I'm very grateful my experiences with Helen/Dreamtime Healings!
Kelly Mullen
”I experienced so many wondrous visions, emotions, sensations and even a journey to a realm where I saw myself breaking out of the confines of my life and even my name. I was blown away and never expecting to receive from the spirits my new name. I'm still integrating and processing all that I learned and energetically healed in my first Cacao ceremony with Helen. I can't wait to attend again! The short Reiki session at the end of ceremony was wonderful in that it made me feel held and supported after the journey. Amazing spiritual ritual! Don't hesitate to attend Helen's Cacao Ceremony.
Traci Bratton
”I attended Helen's last cacao ceremony with my daughter and had a very bizarre experience in which I was a warrior battling a tumor. Helen and I spoke of this and I think you were as puzzled as I was. The next morning a giant owl feather was lying on the kitchen floor where I spend so much of my life immediately followed by the most beautiful shooting star. That same day my sister called to say she has breast cancer. You were right. Give it time, look for signs and it will all make sense. What a powerful experience you gave me. Thank you so much for guiding and protecting us all so we could be free to experience without fear. Helen you are an amazing lady.
Julie McKenna
”I attended Helen's last cacao ceremony with my daughter and had a very bizarre experience in which I was a warrior battling a tumor. Helen and I spoke of this and I think you were as puzzled as I was. The next morning a giant owl feather was lying on the kitchen floor where I spend so much of my life immediately followed by the most beautiful shooting star. That same day my sister called to say she has breast cancer. You were right. Give it time, look for signs and it will all make sense. What a powerful experience you gave me. Thank you so much for guiding and protecting us all so we could be free to experience without fear. Helen you are an amazing lady.
Steven Thomas Frost
”I have attended two cacao ceremonies thus far and have come away both times with deep soul medicine. Helen has the capacity to hold group energy so lovingly and deeply. I have appreciated the multi modality approach of these ceremonies, liberating chakra work to open and clear, setting intentions with prayer and writing, shamanic journeying, reiki healing at the completion, group sharing and bearing witness have all contributed to extremely potent healings. The cacao feels loving and gentle, yet powerful as a guide. Looking forward to this continued community of souls seeking awareness and healing. So much love here!
Kathleen Lawler
”The two ceremonies I attended were deeply impactful and I would love to take part on a regular
Michelle Pelc
basis. This has been my self-care and a space to connect with spirit. My friends who attended
were also moved by the experience and each in different ways. Thank you, Helen, for bringing your heart, spirit, and passion.