Find the key to your very own treasure chest that is sitting
in your womb waiting to be activated so that you
become the powerful, magnetic woman you are meant to be.
Private 1-on-1 Mentorship Program for Women
Maybe you find yourself feeling burnt out, overgiving, stuck, unfulfilled, scared to be ‘seen’, pissed off at the patriarchy, have great ideas but don’t have the energy to execute them and you go round and round on the hamster wheel.
Yet you want to feel really confident, speak your truth, receive abundantly, align fully to your soul’s purpose, share your gifts and help others.
But you might feel scared, guilty, alone, or pulled in too many directions…
So much of this is due to being a woman living in a patriarchal society. The time has come for the divine feminine to rise again and take her place next to the divine masculine.
Yet making the changes to fully claim and embody your powerful feminine energies takes great courage and commitment so being held in a safe, supportive container like Divine Feminine Reclamation, makes it all much easier and way more fun. It’s like being in a beautiful, feminine, sacred ceremony for 6 months.

The Missing Piece
Most women, due to patriarchal suppression of the feminine, don’t have a deep, healthy, honoring connection with their womb and their body. Yet this is the gateway to their divine feminine essence. It’s time to reclaim your Womb Consciousness.
For example, did you know your voice is connected with your womb? So if you aren’t connected to your womb and it isn’t awake, you’re going to have trouble speaking your truth, asking for help or what you want.
Do you feel like receiving is so hard or not safe. You might be scorned or you’ll be let down if you ask for what you want? Yet to receive abundantly is the way of the feminine…
Want to learn more?
You can set up a Discovery Call with Helen.
Inside our journey into your Divine Feminine Power...
You will Learn To RECEIVE & reclaim your innate template of abundance which is inherently feminine, so that you feel safe and worthy of receiving lavishly, including financially.
Look at what the Divine Feminine Reclamation Program offers!

You’ll be in contact with me between sessions, Mon – Fri. 9-5 PM via text and voice msg so that you know/feel you aren’t doing it alone. I’ve got your back for more guidance, coaching, tailored practices, celebrations and holding you accountable.

DFR Goddess Community: Many crave community with like-minded people. For this reason, I created a virtual group where all the ladies in DFR mentorship program can connect. It’s a place to share, learn, be celebrated, witnessed and supported as everyone grows and expands on the journey of divine feminine awakening. It’s truly a magical community!
Set up a Discovery Call with Helen to learn more!
Let’s set up a 45 min exploratory call to get to:
– Learn what’s holding you back
– Where you want to go
– Get to know each other and feel if it’s a good fit for us both
– And if your womb is calling you to embark on the journey of the divine feminine rising.
Ready to Reclaim your Divine Feminine Power?
Slide to your left to see more.