The earth’s energies are rising.
There is a higher consciousness emerging to help us bring our mind and heart in sync; where the heart leads, where love, compassion and unity are the basis of our society.
Plant medicines come from Mother Earth, from our divine feminine mother to help guide us back to our original essence.
We have a lot of inner work to do and many of you are waking up. You are being called to make the changes that your soul is asking for.
This is where plant medicines are so helpful in diving deep into the subconscious mind to help bring things to your awareness so that they can be cleared, transmuted, healed and transformed into higher consciousness.
From that place, you can create a better life for yourself, feel better, be free, trust, have a sense of well-being, create new relationships that nourish you, embody your life purpose and so much more.
Unconscious Pain ~ Distain ~ Hatred for the Masculine
For example, with the deep healing work that I’ve been doing lately, I became aware of unconscious pain, hatred & distain for the masculine due to the patriarchal society that we live in where the feminine isn’t honor, revered & respected.
A big part of that too was having many, many lifetimes of being a woman where I was burned at the stake, tortured, had children taken away from me, been a sex slave and many other atrocities.
I don’t walk around hating men but all that pain lives in my body, in my DNA, not my conscious mind. That is not something I can heal by thinking and talking about it.
So this past weekend, I went into ceremony with a big intention to continue to heal and bring balance back to my inner feminine and masculine. It was intense but amazing as the plant medicines helped me release the pain that has been in my system. It was very somatic.
I’m still integrating but I’m happy to share that men are showing up in my world in amazing ways that I haven’t experienced before. This is the confirmation that the deep work I’ve been doing for the past few months is paying off.
Men have been affected by the patriarchal system in different ways but equally hurt.
If you’d like to do some deep healing around what is very present for you, consider joining us for a plant medicine ceremony in Boulder on June 29. I’m excited to share that I have found a new location in the foothills near Ward.
If you have participated and would like to join us, just respond to this email. If you are keen to join but you are new to my community, please respond and we will set up a pre-ceremony call. If you’d like to know more, click here.
I look forward to being in ceremony with some of you in June.
PS: If those dates don’t work for you, I will also have one on July 27 and August 24 in Boulder.
PS: Feel free to share this with a friend, family member or partner who might be interested in joining us.