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Got a Secret to Share! Shamanic Womb Power program coming!

Creativity on steroids!

The women’s plant medicine retreat that happened three weeks ago really woke up the creativity within!

I have been hinting that Julie Wood and I would be creating an online program for the sacred feminine rising through womb awakening.

Well, it’s happening and it’s beginning to take shape. Julie and I are on the third day of our own retreat: heads down, wombs together, tapping into our creativity and into the divine guidance of what will most serve.

Since we are medicine womben, it will have a shamanic essence: lots of different plant medicines, rituals, healings, ceremonies to go from body shame to body love, doubt of intuition to fully trusting, silence/resentment/anger/ suppression to feeling empowered with your voice, sexuality, your womb portal and so much more.

Our goal is to have it ready by mid-June so watch this space.

In the meantime, I will be in Boulder next week, offering for the first time in a long time, in-person healing sessions. There are a few more spots open on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th. Respond to this email with your preferred day and time and Lyn will try and get you on the schedule.

Plus, if you’ve got some intentions you’d like to work with, come join our Cacao Ceremony with Shamanic Journey on Sunday, April 28, 10 AM-1 PM.

For more info: Sacred Cacao Ceremony

I look forward to connecting with my Boulder community next week!


Infinite blessings,
