I am just back from five days in Sedona, AZ with my bestie, Emma, who is visiting from England.
We set an intention for a mind-blowing experience during our time there.
Well, we experienced that and then some!
A big piece of that was having earth angels guiding us to magical spots, including vertices off the beaten path.
An earth angel is a person who appears just in time to give guidance, help, love, kindness, or direction just when you need it.
So we had driven out of town, out of the touristy areas in search of the Shaman’s Cave. We’d been told it was quite hard to find.
As we set off on the trail, there wasn’t a soul around in the vast open land. Our GPS, All Trails, wasn’t working so we asked for guidance on where to go.
After walking about a mile, a couple arrived in a truck. We started chatting and Felipe knew exactly where the cave was- earth angel! The four of us hiked up to it.
Indeed it was hard to find!
As we stepped into the cave, I could feel the magical energies immediately. Within minutes, the light language that channels through me, activated.
I was shaking with the song of sound vibrations and the strong message of gratitude for the songs I sang. We were invited to receive the potent energies from Mother Earth in the area. 10 mins later it channeled in again.
Earth angels show up in all forms, at the precise moment. It just requires us to be aware and to listen to the guidance.
This is an invitation to expand your awareness and notice when earth angels come in to support you and when you are an earth angel to somebody else.
Infinite blessings,
⭐Exciting news hot off the press! I have a new location for ceremony in Boulder!
⭐It happens to be on Lefthand Canyon, the road I lived on for 10 years! I find that quite magical!
⭐We will have our first one on there on September 30.