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Want a Fun Easy Way to Manifest Things in Your World!?

We live in a culture that keeps us extremely busy. Busy is like a buzzword. If you’re not busy, there must be something wrong. We’re being lazy, not worthy because we’re not being productive. Are you ready to blow that up? I am!

I have been getting nudged lately from Spirit that it’s time to have more fun, more laughs, more social, more play.

Why? Because when we are in that relaxed, fun-filled energy, that’s when more divine magic can show up.

It’s hard for it to come in when we are working hard to be productive, checking things off the To Do list. Do Do Do, Go Go Go, making everything perfect…

When we make the time to do the things that bring us back to our innocence, into the creative realm, that opens up a whole new realm for the universe to conspire with us. Our vibration is relaxed and joyful, and that’s when things can much more easily come out of the blue, fabulous synchronicities, and resonate alignments.

Try to do something every day that is simple, pure fun. You can tap back into things that you did as a child, in the innocence and just see what happens.

For example, I went for a hike up in Taos Ski Valley on Sunday with my friend, Valeria. We took off our shoes and cooled our feet in the stream. I purposely splashed my feet like little kids do when they get into the water. It was just light fun and innocent.

Another friend, Emma, told me that at her school in England, to bring in the fun on the last day of school, they brought in bouncy houses for the kids. The administration told the teachers to bring a change of clothes so they could jump around in the bouncy houses too!

The adult, serious part of you might roll your eyes and say, ‘Oh my goodness that’s so silly. ‘ Yes, that is what we want, silliness! You might feel silly doing it but it might also make you laugh because of the silliness and that is what the invitation is.

Find something big or small every day that is fun, that takes you back to your innocence, and notice how things start to shift in your world because your vibration is getting lighter.

Have fun with this and let me know what comes of it!

Many blessings,

~ words inspired by The Council channeled by Sara Landon


⭐There could be an unexpected pop-up ceremony happening August 19- 20 in Taos. Interested? Click here for more information.
⭐Can’t make that one? We got another one on September 9- 10 in Taos.