On this beautiful day of love, celebrating with your partner, friends and family is a wonderful thing to do…And one of the most important people to celebrate with is YOU.
However that inner critic can be so loud and incessant that it doesn’t allow for even a trace of self-love. Here’s an invitation to make a change.
The 1st step is to become AWARE of the inner critic, that little voice in your head that tells you, you are:
~ not good enough
~ not OK to express fully
~ not perfect enough
~ not allowed to ask for more
~ not smart enough
~ not pretty/handsome enough
~ not ready to be seen
~ not OK to have big, bright energy
~ not thin enough
~ and the list goes on.
It’s ego based and serves no purpose except to rob you of your energies, create lack of trust in yourself, make you feel crappy, unable to make grounded, good decisions, etc.
2nd step, put your foot down and stop the self flagellation. I like to use the phrase: Cancel / Clear / Delete when I catch myself saying/thinking something negative.
Some of this can be habit. Let’s break it now and create something far more beneficial. Bring in a new thought, something positive even though you don’t believe it yet.
It takes time so be gentle and loving with yourself. When you are vigilant, not letting the inner critic get away with anything, you’ll notice how it starts to get quieter and quieter and quieter. It’s quite heavenly when it becomes just a whisper.
So give yourself, the gift of love today and beyond. Have an eagle eye on the inner critic. Start tightening the lid on it so it’s heard less and less and less.
And remember, we are all part of the collective consciousness. Each one of us add to it, like a drop of water. The more we focus on love instead of ‘the not enough’ piece, the easier and quicker humanity will be playing in the new world that we are being given an opportunity to step into now. This is a place where LOVE reigns, not the inner critics.
Sending much love and light on this magical day,
P S. Our March 11 plant medicine ceremony is filling up quickly. There are still a few spots left. If you are interested in learning more or registering, please see link here.
Photo by Merve Aydın on Unsplash