Healing the Mother Wound is a big theme for most of us. A couple of weeks ago Spirit guided me to do a plant medicine ceremony to heal the rejection energy between my mom and me. There was an urgency to do this before she crosses back to the light.
One of the first messages was if you want to fully embody the divine feminine (this is my dharma) you can't reject the divine feminine that brought you here….ohhh that hit home.
In addition, the guidance tapped back into a plant medicine ceremony in August (it often builds on a previous theme)
Open your heart and have gratitude for the mother
that brought you into this world.
When you can do this, you will step fully into your power.
In my conscious mind, I knew that’s what Spirit was asking of me. However, the ego/mind did not want to give up the hurt, wanted to stay righteous and in victim energy.
This is the gift of plant medicines. They help us move beyond the righteous, egoic mind. I had to take a lot more medicine than usual to move past the ego! After a few hours of gentle coaxing, healing and releasing, I was shown an image of myself coming through the birth canal.
The message was, 'Now open your heart, and create a birth canal of love for your mother to transition back to the light.'
With that, my heart finally burst open. I’m not a big crier, but I was sobbing, not tears of sadness, but tears of LOVE.
After this very powerful ceremony, I’m seriously thinking about doing a themed plant medicine ceremony about healing the mother wound, whether it’s with your mother or you as a mother. When we all come together in ceremony, we create a very powerful vortex where we can move mountains and heal deep-rooted wounds, allowing us to flourish.
I’d love to hear your feedback. Send me an email if this theme resonates for you. If it happens, I will offer a ceremony to heal the father wound too.
PS. Cacao ceremony for Kids is happening again! Nov. 27 at 10 am in N. Boulder. Click
this link for more info. and to register!
this link for more info. and to register!
PSS. Our Plant Medicine Ceremony in Taos on Dec. 3-4 is FULL! The next one is Feb. 25-26 in Taos. Send us an email if you’d like more info.