Wow, what a weekend of Community heart connection, created through ceremony! On Saturday, we had a plant medicine ceremony and on Sunday, a cacao ceremony for children.
The most prominent feedback from both groups was the joy of being in community. This puts a huge smile on my face.
This is what ceremony is about. It’s not about having to do it all by yourself. The indigenous have always come together to heal, improver relations, celebrate and simply feel the connection, support and love of their community.
It’s something that is rather lost in our society and I am in my element bringing it back: opening that door wide open again for people to experience the power of ceremony, the power of community.
On our integration call on Monday evening, for the plant medicine ceremony, I heard over and over and over again by each participant, saying how grateful they were for the group, for each other. They experienced so much support, care, kindness, unity togetherness that allowed them to transcend into such a deeper space of healing, new awareness, activations, downloads, love, joy and higher consciousness. They couldn’t have done that alone.
On Sunday, for the children’s cacao ceremony, the kids were all exposed to the beauty of ceremony, tapping into their inner guidance, seeing and feeling Spirit.
The community support love and joy was contagious!
Ceremony brings people together, in community and this is what humanity is being asked to embrace. It’s time to put separation, division, ‘if you don’t believe what I believe I can’t connect with you’, all behind us.
If you are craving to be part of a supportive, caring, loving group, we are creating more unity in community on August 27 in another plant medicine ceremony in Boulder. If you’d like to learn ore, send me an email or DM.
Sending much love and light,
PS. Due to the high demand, there will be another cacao ceremony for kids in the fall. Watch this space for the announcement of the date. : )