Do you know that you are way more powerful than you give yourself credit for? It’s true! You are very powerful yet our culture spends a lot of energy telling us otherwise.
Humanity on a whole has been dumbed down to think we aren’t powerful at all yet it’s not true.
This has been showing up quite a bit with my clients. When I ask them if they are scared of their power or don’t feel safe stepping into their power, the answer is usually 99% of the time, Yes.
Why is this? As empaths/HSP so often there is deep trauma that many of us carry in our DNA from other lifetimes: being witch-hunted, killed, hung, abused, etc. for being a powerful healer, shaman/ess, psychic, having paranormal abilities to be in service to help others.
And here we are in 2022, the energies are really amping up and asking for change, a shift away from the top-down, power over of the patriarchal into a more sustainable way of being and living on this beautiful earth, and interconnectedness of the feminine and the masculine on all levels.
It’s a tall order but we can do it, especially if you, yes you, step fully into your power, fully owning and embodying it. You might be very surprised what starts happening in your world, including sharing of your gifts. We need them now!
Reach out if you need support. I am here for you. You don’t have to do it alone.
Sending many blessings,