And Trust the Universe has a Good Plan?
How does this intention land with you?
It’s safe for me to let go.
Control is a biggie for all of us in some area/s of our lives. It’s the shadow side of our 3rd chakra and the out-of-balance feminine and masculine energies.
We want to control things/people to try and help us feel ‘in control’ and safe. It can also be the desire to have power over someone/something, all ego-based.
Trauma is one of the root causes of the need to control. Being an HSP/empath, because our nervous system is that much more sensitive than 85% of the population, often there is deep-rooted trauma from being shamed and wronged for being this way.
That being said, there is much more magical power when we can let go and trust that the universe has a much better, brighter plan for us.
Being able to let go of control takes awareness and it’s a work in progress. Become aware of situations in your life where you’ve been told you are controlling or you know you are and see if you can start letting go of the reins.
Become aware of why you want to hold so tightly to the control reins and then work with that energy. Awareness is 50% of the process.
The ego will not want you to do this work, of course!
Use the tools in your toolbox and start with one area. Life is actually a lot more fun and enjoyable when the control goes out the window.
If you need support, consider the Thriving Empath Mentorship Program where this is a big focus: healing the trauma, letting go of control to feel safe and empowered as a sensitive one.
Sending many blessings,