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Can you Have Gratitude for the Fabulous and…the Challenges?

By November 25, 2020Reiki
I looked into this 'wishing well' and look what I spotted... a heart rock and a magical reflection from the sky in a heart shape too!! Heaps of Gratitude for the Magic and Love from the Spirit!

Thanksgiving is upon us, the holiday of gratitude, being with family, friends and sharing a bountiful harvest.

I pray that many of you can feel into that despite our nation’s current situation, making the most of whatever circumstance you find yourself in.

For example, I’ve been in Taos for just five weeks and due to this, I won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving in any traditional way.

However, I am going for a hike with one of my new friends and for that I am grateful. I’m sure Gaia will share something magical with us. We are both avid heart rock seekers so I’m curious to see what we come back with!

My guess is that many of you will not have your traditional Thanksgiving due to the current situation.

So this is an invitation to you to see if you can find ways to be grateful for the ‘unusual’ Thanksgiving you might be having this year.

The more we can expand the energies of gratitude, the more that energy returns to us tenfold.

It truly is a win-win scenario.

Home Play

If there is a challenging situation, see if you can bring in gratitude for these energies, despite the discomfort.

Become aware of what the situation is teaching you.

Remember, everything is happening FOR you, not TO you.

~ It might be about becoming more flexible.

~ It might be to enjoy your own company.

~ It might be to feel like you are having a feast even if you have fewer ingredients.

~ It might be to feel the festive energies with your family at the head of the table, projected via zoom or FaceTime.

~ It might be to find gratitude for something you took for granted before.


Happy Thanksgiving
& Native American Heritage Day (Friday, 11/27)


Need support, guidance, clarity?

Contact me for a private 1:1, Monday-Friday
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Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Shamanic Journey (virtual) – Dec. 6