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The Cacao Love Goes International!

As COVID continues on with no real end in sight, I’m hearing from many that they are becoming consumed with the energies of isolation and loneliness.

Or on the flip side, those living with their partner/family/, they are going a bit stir crazy!

They need a break from them, their kids or both but getting that break is nearly impossible.

This is where the cacao love medicine comes in!

Give yourself permission to set aside 3 hrs. just for you, to co-create with Spirit whilst being supported in a caring, loving community. This is an act of self-care/self-love. Your spirit, your heart will be so grateful, I assure you!

These times of restricted movement and great change, are asking us to go within, acknowledge what is coming up, heal, transmute and integrate to create more wholeness.

On Aug. 23, we'll hold our 4th international online cacao ceremony. In addition to all ones personal healing, aha's and shifts, I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I love the international-ness aspect of it! "

It’s an unexpected bonus of doing online ceremonies, the connection created with people from so many different countries, with different accents, different perspectives, different cultures yet we are all One. The ceremony helps remind of us of this. I love this!

We have had people join us from Chile, Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Canada, the Philippines and of course here, the USA.

I’ve had some of my peeps who have come to many of the in-person ceremonies, say to me, ‘Wow, I had no idea it could be just as powerful online.”

Yes indeed! Energy isn’t limited to time or space so the magical vortex that we create by being in ceremony, exponentially increases the healing and transformational energies.

The Young Ones are Joining in!

We had an 11, 12 and 17 year old for our last cacao ceremony. During the sharing part, we were all blow away with what they got during their shamanic journey: the guidance and support. Amazing! The more we can support the young ones, show them a new, different, more loving, healing way, the better the world will be.

Watch this space as I will be offering a cacao ceremony soon just for teenagers!

Home Play

International Online Cacao Ceremony
August 23, 10 am – 1 pm

Register soon to receive your cacao care package in time for ceremony.

Click HERE for all the details and to register.