Humanity continues to awaken in this poignant year of 2020.
It's the year of 20/20 vision, clearly seeing the changes that are needed to create the new world that is coming on Dec. 21st, the golden age of Aquarius.
We have much to dismantle and co-create with Spirit for this new way/new world to emerge.
There is the corona virus, the racial tensions, the economic inequalities, the devastation/exploitation of our Mother Gaia, the desire to control others, service to self, and the list goes on.
However, the shadows are being exposed by the light. This will continue for the remainder of the year and beyond.
The light is making cracks in the dark. The cracks/cracking equates to the upheaval and chaos that many are seeing, feeling, or experiencing. This is needed to dismantle the old systems/ways.
Another metaphor for what is happening is this: think of when you have an ugly fight with your partner. It’s a bad one: tears, anger, frustration, sadness.
But the love that you have for each other is greater than all of that.
Once the energies have calmed down, you come together. Reconcile. Discuss gently. Hear each other out. Honor/respect each other’s needs and desires. Find a new way that supports you both, coming from the heart.
There are many ways to work with the energy that is transpiring right now.
One of the most potent that you, the lightworker/ Starseeds, can do is to come back to non-judgment.
When we judge, it says that someone/something is bad/wrong, not ok and that you are right, good, better, etc. That energy feeds the old paradigm of separation. Our judgment energies add fuel to the fire. This includes self-judgment.
This Great Awakening is about creating the New World, that is heart-centered, service to others, collaborative, caring, and inclusive.
Part of this process is that we are being asked to do something different. Awareness is a HUGE piece.
Become aware of your judgment of others/situations. As humans, we do it all the time so it will take vigilance and practice.
Also, be very aware of when you are judging yourself for judging.
Forgive yourself.
Come back to your heart, into neutrality first,
then forgiveness,
then compassion,
then love.
Love is much more powerful than fear.
Love conquers all.
Radiate your love and light like you've never done before. It's far more potent than you could ever imagine!
Home Play
Going from Judgment to Non-Judgment – so powerful
1. Become aware of your judgment of others or self.
2. When it happens because it will, call back the energies of judgment.
3. Send them down your grounding cord. Or ask one of your spirit helpers to dissolve the negative energies. Or put them in a rose and bury them.
Let Gaia compost the negative energies.
4. Say sorry energetically to the person/situation/to yourself.
5. Forgive yourself for judging.
6. Come back into neutrality / non-judgment.
As you get better and better at this, move into forgiveness, compassion and love.
Come practice this with us in our
Dreamtime Healings Circle tonight and
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