What interesting times we are in. I hope you are making the most of your “home time”: reading, catching up on sleep, family time, exploring new ways to stay connected, meditating, recognizing and feeling grateful for what really matters.
I’m sure many of you feel like your nervous system is in overdrive, with adrenaline coursing through your body, more anxiety than ever as we don’t know what the next day holds, let alone the future.
As well as following the suggested hygiene guidelines, the best antidote for this situation and to keep the virus out of your energy field is to drop into your heart, radiate love and light. I know…that is way easier said than done but that is the new “ask”.
When we are pushed to our limit, that is often when we have our breakthroughs into the deep realms of our being to find the hidden treasures.
This is what happened to me this morning. I was at breaking point: being “homeless”, having just moved everything into a U-box, expecting to move to Santa Fe on March 23 and finding out that moving isn’t an option right now.
A Gift for You
I went into meditation asking for guidance and support from Spirit and the recording below is what came through…
Home Play
To make the most of this, please be in a meditation state to let the sound vibration, sound medicine do its work.
There is a lot of shamanic toning that many of you are familiar with if you have been in ceremony or sessions with me.
The North Star medicine, that activated in Bali in December, comes through in the 2nd part of this meditation. It is very different from the shamanic tones.
The North Star gives us direction, just like it guided sailors and
travelers in the northern hemisphere to their desired destination.
It’s also about following your bliss,
not waiting until the perfect time presents itself.
As you listen, release any fear down your grounding cord.
See if you can let your heart radiate
Love, Joy, Kindness, Care, Gratitude, and Compassion.
May this help you find your inner peace amidst this time of crisis.