If you answered ‘yes’ to the title of this email, it’s time to make a shift.
You are in charge of your own happiness, no one else.
~ If you have been leaning on others for your joy, it might take some time, awareness and practice to change this.
~ You can start by noticing when your levels of joy are low, medium or high. Are there distinct highs and lows? When and why?
~ Notice if you are blaming someone else as your excuse to not feel good.
~ Notice if your level of happiness goes down if another person’s does. Just like it’s not their job to keep you happy, it’s not your job to keep them happy.
Of course, others can add to your joy but creating the solid foundation is your job. As you get better and better at this, you will have more love and joy to share with others.
Home-play: Here are a few more steps to help in the self-creating happiness project.
- Notice where you are on the self-creating happiness bar
- If you are doing well by taking responsibly for your happiness, awesome! Expand on this.
- If you are depending on others, begin to find ways to fill the inner void with what brings happiness to you.
- As you get better at this, the happy high will stay more consistent despite what others say or do.
If you like chocolate, healing and accessing inner guidance then this is for you. Join us for a sacred cacao ceremony with shamanic journey. To learn more or t
o guarantee your spot, register now. Click this link: Cacao Ceremony.Spirit Reiki 1 Workshop: July 15-16
Some of the Benefits:
- heightens our connection with our ‘higher-self’
- helps you find your true calling
- balances & harmonizes the physical, mental, emotional + spiritual bodies
- is gentle, loving, healing energy that all enjoy, including children, plants and animals
- so easy to implement through touch
- so soothing, reduces stress
- improves personal effectiveness
- ideal in emergencies to calm shock and trauma
- balances + aligns all the chakras to allow inner peace
- complements western medicine & other natural therapies i.e.: massage, acupuncture
- Click HERE for full info.
Spirit Reiki 2 Workshop: Sept. 9-10
Some of the benefits:
- How to give distance healings
- How to use 3 universal Reiki symbols to empower your Reiki sessions and your life
- Share Reiki sessions in a shorter period of time
- Access your psychic abilities. Expand your connection with your angels and guides.
- It’s like being in a healing session for the weekend. You can shift, change and manifest so much.
- Click HERE for full information and to register