Often I have clients who want to know their destination, purpose or answers to a big question right now and for it to show up on a billboard-size message with crystal clear instructions……… Sorry, Spirit doesn’t work that way.
You are always being guided by Spirit but it shines the light on your next step of the path, not the final destination.
When you get frustrated with not knowing or lack of clarity, bring in the awareness that you are pushing against the flow. Relax and enjoy the journey. Remember there is divine timing in all that we do. There is a divine plan that is unfolding perfectly.
- Pay attention to your intuition which is how Spirit connects with you.
- Meditate daily and ask for support and guidance. Trust it will be delivered each step of the way.
- Expand your awareness to the subtle messages and signs from Spirit.
Do you want to be a Member of Dreamtime Healings Reiki Community?
If you have participated in a Reiki workshop with me and have not joined our Dreamtime Healings Reiki community on Facebook, please send me anemail so I can be sure to add you.
Sacred Cacao Ceremony & Reiki Workshops
- Benefits of learning Reiki:
- heightens our connection with our ‘higher-self’
- helps you find your true calling
- balances & harmonizes the physical, mental, emotional + spiritual bodies
- is gentle, loving, healing energy that all enjoy, including children, plants and animals
- so easy to implement through touch
- reduces stress
- improves personal effectiveness
- ideal in emergencies to calm shock and trauma
- balances + aligns all the chakras to allow inner peace
- complements western medicine & other natural therapies i.e.: massage, acupuncture
- Click here for full info.
About Photo: Tulips: Philadelphia Flower Show.
Let your divine shine