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How to Get Guidance from your Spirit Team

By February 21, 2017April 26th, 2017Reiki


One of the things that has come to my attention over the past few weeks during healing sessions and in the Spirit Reiki workshops, is that many people forget to ASK for guidance.

To me, it is so obvious that I forget to mention it! I now am realizing that it isn’t so obvious to many…so… this is a reminder.

Your higher-self, your guides and angels are all there to support you. Just Ask! It is that simple. Ask on a regular, daily basis and/or throughout the day. It is like having an entire support team at your disposal. They are just waiting for the phone to ring so that they can give you guidance.

I normally start my meditation much like I start our healing sessions:

“I call in my angels, guides, higher-self, beings of light of the highest consciousness and evolvement to guide, support and help me. I call in my power animals, the 4 directions, Mother Earth and Father Sun.“ 
This is when I then ask for specific 
‘Please help make my day magical and bright!’

Home-play:  I invite you to come up with your own daily invocation to your guides and helpers. Get into the practice of saying it at the start of meditation or as your day begins.
  • If you have a specific question or want support with something specific, simply ASK at anytime.
  • The answer, help or guidance might come during meditation or manifest in some magical way during the day or coming weeks.
  • Repeat your request until the answer or support comes
  • Keep your awareness high and attentive because as you know, the responses are often subtle and loving.
  • Have fun!
If you missed last week’s gift:
  • click HERE to access the GLOW meditation via ‘Resources’ on my website.
Spirit Reiki 2 Workshop: April 22-23rd 
You’ll learn:

  • How to give distance healings
  • How to use 3 universal Reiki symbols to empower your Reiki sessions and your life
  • Share Reiki sessions in a much shorter period of time
  • Access more of your psychic abilities. Expand your connection with your angels and guides.
  • It’s like being in a healing session for the weekend. You can shift, change and manifest so much.
  • Click here for full information and to register
Spirit Reiki 1 Workshop: May 20-21
  • Click here for full info. and/or to register
Instagram! You can find me as: Dreamtime Healings. There is a link at the bottom of this page if you want to connect.
About Photo: I climbed many stairs to the top of the female temple that faces this one in the photo, the male temple. This is one of the places where the Mayan shamans would go to connect with their higher guidance. Tikal, Guatemala.

Let your divine shine
