Adios San Marcos de Atitlan
Yesterday I left San Marcos after a magical, amazing and mysterious month of learning, healing and growth. I need the next 12 days of vacation in Guatemala to integrate, for sure! I look forward to sharing all of my new awareness with you upon my return.
My guides and angels answered my prayers to meet and work with a local shaman, wow, wow, wow! I was in ceremony with him and others, 3x’s a week where my healing and learning all took place.
I was reminded once again of the power of group work. Thanks to this, I was able to finally heal the roots of my physical aligments. No more back or knee pain. Plus, I am sleeping through the night for the 1st time in 2.5 years, without any sleeping aids! Wahoo!
Symptoms are Gifts
Ailments in our body or mind are the ways our spirit tells us something is out of alignment with who we really are. Symptoms can also be ‘tripping over the same pebble’ over and over again…there is something our spirit wants us to learn.
Home-play: If we want to heal or stop repeating the same mistakes again and again, then it’s time to put the detective hat on as well as to take full responsibilty for what we are creating in our lives. Here are a few beginning steps:
- Recognize WHEN, WHERE, and HOW the symptom appeared.
- What was going on in your life then? Ask friends and family if you don’t recall.
- This sheds light on the root and the healing can begin.
- Great book to help with this is: Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
- Watch for the Blind Spots!
- I sat in the hot spot for 1.5 hours, working with the shaman, as he guided me to discover for myself what the root was to my back pain. It was so obvious to everyone in the group, except me! It was also a real experience of vulnerablity. I got there in the end, phew!
Spirit Reiki 2: Jan 7-8
- If you are keen to join us for Spirit Reiki 3 but have only done Spirit Reiki 1, here is your chance to do Spirit Reiki 2 and be ready for Jan. 21st!
- Click HERE for full info. and/or to register
Spirit Reiki 3 Program starts Jan. 21st
- Reiki 3 certification: Reiki Master
- Gain lots of confidence in your gift to share the amazing Reiki energy with yourself and others
- Mastery of all 7 Reiki symbols
- Proficiency to give Reiki attunements
- Trust in your psychic gifts: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and more
- Expereience Reiki Shamanism
- There is a limited number for the program so if this is for you, sign up asap! There are only 4 spots left.
- Click HERE for full info. and to register.
- Cllick here for full info.
- I will be back in the office: Wed. Dec. 28 and Thur. 29.
- If you’d like to book something then or for the following week, just send me an email with your prefered time and day. I will get back to you asap.
Let your divine shine.