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My update from Guatemala!

By November 29, 2016April 26th, 2017Reiki

Hello from Guatemala!

2.5 weeks into my trip and I’ve learned so much already! I look forward to sharing with you upon my return. Here is the start…

Breath: Our Very Essence

6 months ago, thanks to the quiet yet incessant encouragement of my guides, I finally started practing breath work. I received an email with a very simple cleansing breath exercise and my guides said to me, ‘NOW!”

I started that morning and wow, within 3 weeks, I felt my kundalini begin to activate…it’s better than drugs…Fabulous!
Since then, I’d just intuitively been doing it: guided to change it up between breathing through the mouth or nose and doing it for longer periods of time. OMG, the results have been amazing!


I finally understand the power of breath and the importance of it for our spiritual expansion. I was hungry to learn more from one of our teachers, Jenika, who studied breath work indepth during her yoga training in India. She taught us heaps which I will share as I get a full grip on it. It’s quite complex.


Home-play: However, I can share one of the simple breathing exercises we learned. It calms the body and mind. It is great to help you sleep through the night, calm anxiety and de-stress the body. Here is the exercise:

  • inhale for the count of 8
  • hold your breath for the count of 4
  • exhale for the count of 8
  • hold your lungs ’empty’ for the count of 4
  • repeat for 5-10 mins for the fuill effect
  • do this in bed before going to sleep
  • do this anytime during the day if you feel stressed or anxious
  • enjoy the calmness!


Spirit Reiki 2: Jan 7-8

  • If you are keen to join us for Spirit Reiki 3 but have only done Spirit Reiki 1, here is your chance to do Spirit Reiki 2 and be ready for Jan. 21st!
  • Click HERE for full info. and/or to register

Spirit Reiki 3 Program starts Jan. 21st

  • Reiki 3 certification: Reiki Master
  • Gain lots of confidence in your gift to share the amazing Reiki energy with yourself and others
  • Mastery of all 7 Reiki symbols
  • Proficiency to give Reiki attunements
  • Trust in your psychic gifts: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and more
  • Expereience Reiki Shamanism
  • There is a limited number for the program so if this is for you, sign up asap! There are only 4 spots left.
  • Click HERE for full info. and to register.
Spirit Reiki 1: Feb. 11-12

  • Cllick here for full info.

Reminder: I am in Guatemala until Dec.26th

  • I will be back in the office: Wed. Dec. 28 and Thur. 29.
  • If you’d like to book something then or for the following week, just send me an email with your prefered time and day. I will get back to you asap.
Instagram! You can find me as: Dreamtime Healings. There is a link at the bottom of this page if you want to connect!
About Photo: This is the view from where I’m staying, Lake Atitlan. I feel very blessed!

Let your divine shine.
