Last weekend I was part of a Women’s Full Moon Retreat with Sue van Raes and 10 other wonderful women. Sue led morning yoga, workshops on the wild feminine and intuitive rhythms of eating as well as a few other goodies. Of course, we did lots of soaking in the hot springs too.
The land is very powerful. I was practically vibrating all weekend with all the energy. I was non-stop grounding. My guides and angels said they’d be right there with me and would stretch me over the weekend. They certainly kept their word!
I lead a group healing and a shamanic journey. I hadn’t done a group healing in this fashion before and had never lead a shamanic journey. I was definitely pushed out of my comfort zone and had to feel the fear and do it anyway! It was AMAZING!
Through this experience, I gained another level of confidence as a healer and of the shamanic ways that are coming in for me. My power animal, Moose, came in to remind me of this and to feel the joy of my work. I certainly did! I am feeling very grateful.
Here is the link to photos of our weekend on Dreamtime Healings Facebookpage.
Home-play: Look at an area of your life where you are feeling fear to step into this new area or make a change.
- Meditate, talk to your guides and angels. Ask them to support and guide you.
- Then feel the fear and do it anyway.
- Share with us on my blog how your felt afterwards and the growth you gained
Spirit Reiki 1 Workshop~ Oct 8-9th
- No prior knowledge or healing experience needed
- Reiki relaxes, removes blocks, increases your intuition, heals and more
- Learn how to connect with your angels and guides
- Puts kids right to sleep, heals their hurts and animals love it too
- Click here for more info. or to register.
About Photo: Thanks to Laura Guerra for this photo, the full moon rising with the green house in the forefront.
Let your divine shine.