Can’t teach an old dog new tricks
…SO Not True!
I have a client who is shining elder. We’ve been working together diligently over the past few years to help heal body image and an eating issue. When I mentioned participating in my Reiki workshops, Linda didn’t think she was ‘good enough’ or ‘young enough’ to learn Reiki.
I explained that one doesn’t have to be a healer, want to be a healer, or have any prior experience. It’s a gentle, loving modality for all. Linda decided to give it a go and brought so much to us all during the workshop.
Linda carried on to do Spirit Reiki 2 as she experienced how Reiki was really changing her life. But before did the 2nd workshop, she sent me some emails that were so inspirational I wanted to share them with you.
“I’m making progress, and in the past I wouldn’t have called this change progress. Several times I catch my reflection in a mirror or window and I see a woman smaller than I use to see. That’s me! I believe this change starts with my own image of me. The journey continues, and it is for today not so bumpy.
I did have a terrific affirmation that Reiki works when I applied it to my dog, Dixie. She had a wart type sore and would drag her bum which would irritate it, make it bleed and scab. I gave her Reiki. The very next day, the scab fell off, and the area became very soft and pink. In fact, the growth, wart type thing fell off too. It is gone.
I keep doing my Reiki mostly daily, at least every other day, and I am writing my affirmations. The best news about this change is freedom. Freedom to be relieved of “The bondage of Self.” This freedom gives me openness to care about others and have something to give.
I’m trusting, developing and listening. It is really fun to be alive. It feels purposeful, just like I am simply a channel for good.”
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Home-play (no more work!):
- considering joining us for Spirit Reiki 1 on Oct. 8-9th. Details below.
Retreat & Workshop:
Women’s Full Moon Retreat ~ Sept 16-18th, just a few spots left
The Yoga of Eating: yoga, workshops, wild feminine, hot springs, rituals, group healing, shamanic journey, full moon ceremony, new friends, nourishment and self-care, just to name a few of the goodies. Come and join us! Click here for more info. and/or to register.
Spirit Reiki 1 ~ Oct 8-9th
- No prior knowledge or healing experience needed
- Reiki relaxes, removes blocks, increases your intuition, heals and more
- Learn how to connect with your angels and guides
- Puts kids right to sleep, heals their hurts and animals love it too
- Click here for more info. or to register.
About Photo: a butterfly represents transformation and Reiki promotes that!