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How To Transform Gracefully

By December 17, 2015April 26th, 2017Reiki
What To Do When…

The Carpet Has Pulled Out From Under Your Feet

On Friday night I found out via Facebook that my vision quest in Colombia was CANCELED! I couldn’t believe it! Being in a state of shock, I didn’t sleep a wink that night. In the morning, I got an official confirmation that indeed it was canceled. 

So what to do?! I felt like the carpet had been pulled out from under my feet: so many plans already made, various plane tickets purchased, reservations at a retreat, dinners with friends in Bogota. Now what???

I went quiet in meditation and my guides came through with the solution…of course! I am to design my own vision quest in Colombia. Instead of sleeping on the hard ground, weathering the elements and eating air for 2 weeks, I got: do what you love, explore, share, dance, laugh, eat well and enjoy yourself to the max!

This Total Lunar Eclipse shows beautifully how Nature transforms from beautiful completeness, into darkness and emerges out the other side, rainbow like and sparkly! I share this to remind us that when it looks/feels like we are in the shadow, murkiness and the unknown of transition/transformation: Trust, have faith, release resistance and ask for guidance. It’s all being Divinely guided. There is something better coming your way and you too can come out the other side bright and radiant!

I’m still in the murky stages. I’m not clear where I’m going or what I’ll be doing but I’m trusting that it will all be shown to me and going with the flow. I plan on coming back home like the 3rd image of this moon!

Homework:  If you are in a transformation stage, take a moment to sit quietly, do a guided meditation, go for a walk in nature and ask your guides and angels for guidance.
  • Remember the messages can come in via your 3rd eye, through words you ‘hear’ in your head or through the physical world.
  • Let go of resistance. The Harmony meditation can help you with that. Click here.
Reiki Workshop:
  • Reiki 1: Feb. 20-21st. Click here for more info


  • Office closed from Dec. 24-Jan. 31st. 
    • Feb. 1st back in the office, bright eyed and bushy tailed!
to the abundance of magic, miracles and inner peace,