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New Session Times + Additional Healing Options‏

By October 9, 2015April 26th, 2017Reiki

Spirit Has Spoken

 …Can’t Be Ignored

Over the past few months I’ve received guidance about my healing sessions and suggested changes. I’ve been putting it on the back burner, not knowing how to do this, what it would look like, worrying about the ‘how’s’….
Because I was humming and hawing for so long, not acting upon my spirit’s guidance, my body began to talk or rather, shout at me. My ‘angel/devil’ knot kicked in about 3 weeks ago in its usual spot, right shoulder blade. I fondly call it this because it is so painful when I’m not AWARE of what it’s trying to tell me and when I ‘GET’ it, it’s delightful! It got so intense early this week that I couldn’t stand it anymore. I sat down and mediated for an extra long time in the morning, asking to be shown exactly what it was here to teach me.
Magic! As always, when we ask, it is given. That evening I was guided to write out the rough draft of the upcoming changes. The ‘wonderful devil knot ‘ slowly transformed into the ‘angel knot’ as I neared the end of this newsletter. 24 hrs. later it was completely gone.
 Message from My Guides:
“You have a really big group of light beings working through you so let us do the work. Shorten the healing sessions. This allows us to do a much deeper and more powerful healing. Release your limiting belief that you need to spend a long period of time with each client for the healing to happen. Get over it!” (This was the 3rd time they has suggested that I reduce the length of each session).
New Session Times + Additional Healing Options
Spirit knows no time or space so linear time means nothing to them. After being in so much discomfort for weeks, I can’t ignore this guidance anymore despite it being a bit scary.
Homework:  On Nov. 1st, I will reduce my sessions by 10 mins.
  • Initial Healing Session: 65 mins.
  • Follow Ups: 50 mins.
  • Additional Healing Options:
    • Psychic reading/healing via the phone/in person:  25/50/65 mins.
    • To learn more, click HERE 
Reiki Workshop Oct. 24-25th:
There are a few more spots left. Come and join us for a wonderful weekend of healing, learning and transformation. Click here for more info.
Kuddos For Dreamtime Healings!
Last week I was interviewed by the Daily Camera, highlighting my Pet Healings! Special thanks to Carol Johnson and Robert Northrop for sharing with the journalist about their experiences. I will let you know when the article is published.
1. Learn more about Pet Healings: click HERE 
2. Facebook: Like’  Dreamtime Healings
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