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What Does Self-Love Really Mean?‏

By September 25, 2015April 26th, 2017Reiki

I love ME!


Love Yourself

When it comes to loving another, most of us understand what that means: admiration, desire, emotional investment in the other person, etc. We expend a lot of energy, time and thoughts to foster our love towards others.

On the flip side, what great lengths do we take to nurture our own self-love? This might be a foreign concept for some but it’s key to feeling fabulous about ourselves.

Without self-love:
= lack of self-worth > unconscious or conscious self-sabotage > dependence on others for validation > stops us from campaigning for our own needs.

= a combo of self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-awareness, respect, compassion and kindness towards ourselves. We believe we are worthy of gentleness and self-respect. We follow through by putting those beliefs into action by being compassionate and nurturing towards ourselves.

We are always worthy of love, from ourselves and from others.

Homework:  There are many ways to expand our self-love. Here are a few suggestions. You can find many more on the web.

  1. Become aware of your inner voice. Cancel, clear and delete negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself.
  2. See your perfection in the imperfection: appreciate the effort you are putting towards your goal.
  3. Focus on the positive in your life no matter how big or little.
  4. Stop the self-inflicted name-calling: Stupid, Failure, Inconsiderate, Tactless. Instead learn the beautiful lesson from the given situation.
  5. Assume the best. Our thoughts and words create our reality.
  6. Make a list of your positive attributes and read them daily.
  7. Positive affirmations, mediation, exercise, journaling: do anything that makes your feel fab!
  8. Come in for a healing to get support with any of these or others.

Reiki Workshops:
Reiki 2: Sept. 26-27th.
Reiki 1: Oct. 26-27th.
Click here for more info.


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to the abundance of magic, miracles and inner peace,