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How to Activate your Pineal Gland/6th chakra‏

By July 17, 2015May 18th, 2017Reiki

Detoxify and Activate

Pineal Gland/6th Chakra

In my last newsletter, I talked about how to detoxify and decalcifying your pineal gland. (If you missed it, click HERE) Today it’s all about activating, stimulating and expanding the pineal gland’s functions and abilities. Here are a list of actions and foods to facilitate this.

  1. Meditation stimulates the chakra system where the life force is generated and flows from. Meditation brings energy to the pineal gland allowing us to access more awareness, clarity, insight and intuition.
  2. Kundalini yoga helps awaken the Kundalini energy (energy of tremendous creative potentiality) that lays coiled and dormant in our 1st chakra. When it is awoken, it nourishes the body, spine and chakras, particularly the pineal gland/6thchakra.
  3. Nourishing Foods to accelerate and detoxify the pineal gland:
    1. Organic plants and animals products. (Pesticide, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s and other chemicals wreak havoc on our mental/physical health.)
    2. Specific Foods that support and activate:
      1. Turmeric (tea and raw)
      2. Cacao beans
      3. Green plants and veggies
      4. Spring water
      5. Reishi mushroom tea
      6. Grass juices
      7. Beets, apple cider vinegar

Homework:   Don’t put off meditating any more! Start meditating today or augment your meditation time. Try out a Kundalini yoga class. Begin incorporating into your diet some of the beneficial foods to nourish the pineal gland. By doing this, you’ll access more aspects of your higher-self awaiting activation!

Write a Review: I’d much appreciate it if you’d share with the community your healing and transformation process via a review on Google + or Yelp. This really helps others learn how I can support them on their spiritual journey.

Reiki 1 Workshop, Aug 1-2:
  •  9am-4pm. For more info. click HERE

Soul-A-bration: This Saturday, 6pm. Free!

Want more Aliveness? Learn how to heal and seal leaks that rob your energy. Your energy system is a like a tire. When it’s pumped up = Aliveness. When it’s flat = tiredness. Negative thoughts/emotions, past events and a host of other spikes and barbs create leaks that cause you to feel flat.
During this Soul-A-Bration, we will share a few simple tricks guaranteed to have you energized and enlivened. Fill up with your own passion to get back on the road of joy and bliss. For complete info and to let us know you are coming click HERE.

Special Offer:
The Boulder Massage Therapy Institute offers $35 massage in our student clinic on Friday and Saturday. Schedule an appointment today! 303-530-1270 or


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to the abundance of magic, miracles and inner peace,