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Do you see 333 or 111 all the time? Messages from the Angels

By February 26, 2015May 18th, 2017Reiki

Messages from the Angels


Do you see repetitive numbers like: 111, 777, 123, 444 every time you look at the clock, or a receipt or a billboard? This could be your angels sending you a message. Based on numerology, each sequence holds a different message. It’s up to you to learn/research what the repetitive sequence means.

Here is an example by Dorreen Virtue about the meaning of 333: the Ascended Masters want you to know that you have their support, unconditional love and presence. Simply ask them to help you. Here are a few well-known Ascended Masters: Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, Yogananda and Jesus that you could call upon. 

A great resources to learn more about numbers sequences is on Spirit Library as well as the book Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue


New Time Frame for Healing Sessions

Initial Session: 75mins
Follow Up: 60mins

Starting March 9th, I will begin a new time frame for the healing sessions. I’m reducing our ‘talk time’ before and after and doing more healing and talking on the table. I’ll invite you to participate even more which allows for more awareness and integration of the healing energy. As I always say, the magic and miracles happen on the massage table!

Homework: Be observant and see if the Angels send you messages via number sequences and how that supports what you are going through. I love how they help me out daily!

Suggestions: 1. Check out Sacred House this Sunday at Shine : 11:15-12.30pm, Sunday March 1st.
There is also a yoga class at beforehand at 10am.

2. Give the gift of a Dreamtime Healing experience : printable, downloadable gift certificates3. Facebook: Like’  Dreamtime Healings

4.  Click: forward it to a friend.

to the abundance of magic, miracles and inner peace,