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Opposition or Surrender. It’s Your Choice

By April 8, 2014April 26th, 2017Reiki

Are you going flow or resist during this extremely transformational month?



Major Expansion

Major Quantum Shifts

A very rare astrological happening starts this Thursday: The Cardinal Grand Cross. It’s complex and will most likely effect everyone, hence this newsletter to help prepare you. We have already been experiencing the build up to this as it’s been brewing for the past months/years: extreme weather globally, political upheaval i.e.: Turkey, Egypt, truths being revealed: i.e. Edward Snowden, desire for marriage equality, the fight for justice and more.

This month there will be BIG ENERGY SHIFTS due to the 4 planets shown above that will be SQUARING each other and forming a Grand Cross in our celestial skies. Inner tension will be created due to this and will demand change to find resolution. If you are open, it will create wonderful opportunities for profound insight and growth.

In addition, these 4 planets are Cardinal signs of the zodiac. They symbolizes leaders who push forward and spark action to make things happen.

The power of 13: all 4 planets will be sitting at 13* degrees. The significance of this is that we awaken our consciousness through the 13th central sphere of Metaron’s Cube (sacred geometry-see picture above).This represents death/rebirth, endings/beginnings. It is the field of love that penetrates through all directions of time and space. This is HUGE!

What does this all mean?
We are entering a time of conflict, chaos and change. In other words, transformation at it’s highest level. And just in case this wasn’t enough, the climax of the Cardinal Grand Cross, just to heighten the energy even more, happens between 2 eclipses! The lunar eclipse is on 4/14, the Quantum Gateway on 4/23-4/24 and the Solar eclipse 4/28! The ripple effect will be with us until July.

This Quantum Gateway opens the potential to access an ancient truth. The truth is built on the foundation of love and respect for all life. In Dec. 2012, the beginning of the en-masse awakening started and this is another step towards higher wisdom. We get the opportunity to rise above the political, social and religious frameworks that are built on fear and co-create a new world based on love, autonomy, compassion and unity. How awesome is that!

As humans, we always have free will. We have a choice during this time to feel angst, shame or uncertainty around our deepest fears and darkest shadows. Or we can SURRENDER and allow vulnerability to rule! I wrote about Vulnerability in one of my past newsletters. It’s about giving ourselves permission to be imperfect and courageous. This opens us up to fully experiencing the FABULOUS STUFF: gratitude, joy, happiness, compassion, love… It is a wonderful time to develop community, oneness and the best interest of all.

Homework: Change is upon us and will carry on for years to come. These are unchartered waters. Which road are you going to take: Change or Opposition? Are you going to take the step towards raising your consciousness this month and beyond? Here are a few questions to keep in mind as you go through this transformational month:

•Are you ready to transform what no longer serves? Pluto

•Do you have the courage and self-confidence to be a warrior and meet your challenges head on? Mars

•Are you ready to explore higher wisdoms, intellectual pursuits and/or spiritual philosophies? Jupiter

•Are you ready to create and engage in a new world ‘outside the box’?  Uranus

The amazing outcome of the Cardinal Grand Cross, is it can help us shift our old ways of: ‘It’s me against them’, ‘I’m right. They are wrong’. What an opportunity to allow the integration of these polarities and welcome in the complementary wisdoms that both sides bring. It will give rise to integration of ‘us’, Oneness. It can’t get better than that! I’m ready for this. Are you?

Reminder: Reiki 1 workshop on May 3-4th, 9-3pm, $250. Click here for full info.

Suggestions: If things get a bit overwhelming, come in for a healing to help shift the energy. Things are going to be intense!

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to magic and miracles!
